Rain, Rain, Go Away... And Don't Come Back


St Swithin's Day, if it does rain
Full forty days, it will remain
St Swithin's Day, if it be fair
For forty days, t'will rain no more

If there’s one day when we should all get down on our knees and pray together for a dry outlook, then I guess its tomorrow. It will be, after all, St Swithin’s day, and any drop of rain could doom us all to another 8 weeks of running to bus-stops clutching newspapers over our heads.

For those of you who are superstitious, the forecast for tomorrow will no doubt dictate your plans for the rest of the summer. But for those who, like me, think this is a load of old Groundhogs, then tomorrow is simply another date to fill up the calendar. Still, we all like sunny weather, so I’m just as desperate as the next person for a few rays of light to soak my arms in over lunch.

St Swithin was buried in 862 outside Winchester Cathedral and remained there for over 100 years. But when, in 971, monks attempted to transfer his remains to a tomb inside the cathedral on July 15th, legend has it that the Heavens opened and reigned down supreme with a 40-day torrent of rain (divine intervention, some would say), preventing the move from going ahead.

And so began the superstitious ramblings of the nation…

But rest assured, friends, because I’m here with the stats – and I can tell you that on average 50% of the 40 days after July 15th are dry, and 50% are wet, so don’t go lining your umbrellas up against the front door just yet.

I guess what I’m trying to say, is that you shouldn’t let the bad weather put you off sending any parcels today! And remember, that of course, myParcelDelivery.com™ work rain or shine, so there’s no excuse not to head on over for a free quote on all your parcel deliveries.



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